One sip of our Orange & Grapefruit Gin Spritz and your taste buds are transported to somewhere slightly warmer than here! The perfect drink for warm summer evenings in the garden!
Prep Time3 minutes
Ice Typesuper cubes
x1 handfulParty Ice
x 3 Super Cubes
x 35ml Dry Gin
x 25mlAperol
x 2tspOrange Marmalade
x 50mlGrapefruit Juice
Top Up:Tonic Water
Garnish:Orange Wedge
1.Fill a cocktail shaker with Party Ice and add in all the ingredients apart from the Soda Water.
2.Fill a balloon glass with Super Cubes, then strain over the cocktail.
3.Top up with the soda water and garnish with 2 orange wedges!